Summary of the current global Situation

1) The life quality and consciousness of todays humanity has significantly diminished because 
    humans «don’t know» and many have forgotten their origins and the wisdom left by their ancestors.

2) They must first overcome two major separations: from nature and from spiritual guidance
    so humans can reconnect and remember who they are because only through this process    
    can they recognize and regain the wisdom of their souls and achieve Unity!

3) Thus, they also realize the possibilities of their soul to give its meaning to their life so they
    can enable and fulfill joyfully the destiny of their souls and overcome their own suffering.

4) This transformation requires a realignment of individual and collectiveconsciousness, referred to as
    the ME and the WE. It calls for individual and collective Action to save Humanity, Earth and all Life.

5) If this does not happen the World goes through a «cleansing» with incalculable consequences.
    This happens every 26’000 years, which corresponds to the scientific Galactic Conjunction and

    the 5 ancient Cycle Calendars of the Maya, Toltec, the Veda, the Great Pyramid and theZodiac.

6) We are now in the last years before this turning point between 2018 and 2026.
    In the best case, Humanity recognizes and fulfills their purpose as co-protectors
    of creation of the Great Spirit and can experience the joy of pure being.

7) This leads to our Credo: Unity in Diversity with all Life.